(version 1.7) For mIRC3.8 Written by zarcon HELLO PROUD OWNER OF THESE SCRIPTS-----I HOPE YOU LIKE THEM!!!! HERE IS SOME HELP WITH INSTALATION AND EDITING!!!! Contents: Bots ini's 1)ZBaliases.ini = ZBOT aliases.ini 2)ZBpopups.ini = ZBOT popups.ini 3)ZBremote.ini = ZBOT remote.ini Controllers ini 1)ZUaliases.ini = ZUSER aliases.ini 2)ZUpopups.ini = ZUSER popups.ini 3)ZUremote.ini = ZUSER remote.ini -and I have added mirc.ini that covers everything else [INSTALLATION]-The first step to install it is to get all the .ini files in one directory (note:make sure that there isn't a mirc.ini in the windows directory)....then open 2 copies of MIRC and get them running like you usually do. Ok after you have got them running then go to each section:Remote, Popups, and Aliases...In the remote there are 3 sections..users..commands..and events Here is how you add them: In each section at the bottom of the screen you will see LOAD. Click on it...and search the right directory for the right .ini file.... Example:If you are trying to load the Zusers ini's...there are 3....add them like so..For the Events, Users and Commands in the Remote use "ZUremote.ini" for all 3 of them(note:remember you have to add each remote section seperately)....For PopUps use "ZUpopups.ini ....And for Alias use "ZUalias.ini.......Do the same for the other copy of mIRC except use the bots .ini's in there place...They are ZBaliases.ini, ZBpopups.ini and ZBremote.ini [RUNNING MULTIPLE COPIES OF MIRC]-To run multiple copies first you have to have to have a copy! To make a copy of mirc.exe if you have windows 95, simply highlight it with your left mouse button then click on it with your right mouse button....then click copy....after that, dehighlight eveything and find and empty space somewhere near the mirc.exe and click the right mouse button then click paste then rename the copy to mirc2.exe ....... If you are able to run the 32bit version of mirc....then you don't have to do this....all you have to do is open mirc32.exe ....then minimize.....and open another! If you don't have windows 95 ...then i suggest going to the mirc homepage and download the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)....then read in there where it says "HOW TO RUN MULTIPLE COPIES OF MIRC".... Here is the HTTP for the mIRC homepage if you don't have it: ----------------- http://huizen.dds.nl/~mirc/index.html --------------------- [EDITING]- Anywhere you see "zarcon" "MYNICK" or "YOURNICK" change it to your nick! And you can erase any msges I put in the commands, users, and events sections that I left for you!-Thats about all the major editing you have to do! [Alias Help]-Not much help needed with this....you just have to look in the Aliases Icon and remember what you have ......Alias is nothing but another short way of prefoming commands... The normal way to do a whois on someone, would be to type /whois nick well the Alias way to do it is like this /w nick see it is much shorter....So make sure you memorizes the ones you have! [PopUps Help]-There are three types of PopUps: MAIN WINDOW...QUERY/CHAT WINDOW ..And CHANNEL NAMES LIST To use any of these click the right mouse button to pop them up in the assigned windows......SO for the Main Window one to pop up..click the right mouse button in the Main Window ......for the QUERY click the right mouse button when your in a Private Message with someone.......for the CHANNEL NAMES LIST one....click in the channel names list, with your left mouse button HighLight the name you want a command to be preformed on.....then click the Right Mouse Button for your POPUPS ..by the way you can edit and change the PopUps too what you want them to do ... [USERS HELP!]-ok you have a command in your CHANNEL NAMES LIST POP-UPS to add users levels...Here is the manual command... /auser this command only adds the users nick to the assigned level.I recomend using both that one and this one..../guser 3 this does a whois on the user and adds there address..Here is some examples of each: AUSER EXAMPLE: /auser 5 DryRain GUSER EXAMPLE: /guser 5 DryRain 3 <---You must use this number! ---OK Your level as the BOSS should be 7 ..and none of your friends should have this level! The DEFAULT LEVEL SHOULD BE 1...To make sure it is... TYPE /dlevel 1 [LEVELS AND WHAT THEY MEAN!]-Ok there are several spicific levels for bad people! There is level =12 and =14 for ppl who have been saying foul language...You don't have to give people these levels....you automatically do it when they SWEAR! Cool Huh! They get 3 chances then their OUT!! Another Level is =999 ....This is the SHITLIST LEVEL..If anyone is on this level..they can't JOIN or SPEAK in a channel that you have ops in..If they try to SPEAK to you or Private Message you...you will auto-matically Ignore them! HAHAHA There is also LEVELS 18 and 19 they work together as a team...these are put on someone .. when you use your NOISE KICK FEATURE in the CHANNEL NAMES LIST POP-UPS...So if they speak ..They get kicked..And when if they Join Channel and speak again ..They get kicked and banned from the channel LEVEL 2 = basically an auto-op level with no protection....this is a good level to put people at to start....at least until you are sure you can trust them LEVEL 3 = Auto-Ops and Protects your friends...Gives them more access to your BOT.....BE WARNED now that they are protected...If they decide to use your bot to deop them selfs then YOUR BOT WILL DEOP ITSELF....THIS COULD RESULT IN YOU SHITLISTING YOURSELF!...so only put people you trust at this level LEVEL 5 = This level is for Your best friends..It gives them access to LOADS of commands (see COMMANDS at the bottom for more details) LEVEL 7 = THIS IS YOUR LEVEL...NOONE ELSE SHOULD HAVE THIS LEVEL BUT YOU! add your bot to level 7 on your user list...and add YOU at level 7 on your BOTS user list...this way it recognizes you as the BOSS!! [HELPFUL HINTS]-If your in a BIG channel with alot of people...To keep from annoying them ..I recommend turning off the TALK SECTION of your events To do this you can simply click your right mouse button in the MAIN WINDOW and Your PopUp menus come up...Then click on ENABLE/DISABLE GROUPS...then click on DISABLE #groupTALK ...this will DISABLE THAT SPECIFIC GROUP [COMMANDS] LEVEL 1 =+whoami, +access, +stats and +time ...they type these in the channel and your bot gives them the notices in secret.....Basically level 1 users have no access LEVEL 2 =+access, +whoami, +stats, +time, +topic, +up, +down and +op... Level 2 have more commands....If they type +up your bot gives them ops... If they type +down your bot deops them...they can also op people by typing +op nick...then your bot gives the nick ops LEVEL 3 =+access, +stats, +whoami, +time, +op, +up, +deop, and +invite..... +deop and +invite have been added...they can use +deop to deop someone and +invite to invite someone LEVEL 5 =+access, +whoami, +stats, and +time, +invite, +kick, +ban, +unban, +op, +deop, +add2, +add3 and +add5 ...These people can do just about anything with your bot...they can also add users to your bot. LEVEL 7 YOUR LEVEL=+access, +whoami, +time and +stats, +op, +deop, +kick, +ban, +BK, +MB, +unban, +invite, +auser, +add3, +add5, +add7, +ruser, +shit, +bw, +say, +join, +nick, +msg, +leave, +die, +BL1, +BL2, +BL3, +BL5, +UBL1 , +UBL2, +UBL3, and +UBL5....you have LOADS of commands...hmmm where do I start? +shit =If you type this it will shitlist the nick you typed! +bw=stands for Ban Who? +say =if you type +say hi your bot will say hi :) +join <#channel>=this will make your bot join the given channel +nick =this will tell your bot to change his nick to whatever you want it to be. +msg =this tells your bot to msg a nick and give them the msg you specified +leave=Makes your bot leave the channel +die=Makes your bot totally shut down and exit mIRC. +BL=this command black lists the specific level...so if you type +BL1 it will blacklist all level 1 users.....What Blacklists means is that your bot won't allow the specific level to have OPS...Cool huh? :) +UBL=Unblcklists the specific level..so if you type +UBL2 it would Unblacklist level 2 users +ruser =Removes a user from the bots user list. +auser =Adds a user to the user list YOUR BOT HAS A VERY SPECIAL FEATURE....IT ALLOWS YOU TO SEND ALL THESE COMMANDS TO IT PRIVATELY! THE COMMANDS ARE ALL IN THE CHANNELS NAME LIST POP-UPS UNDER BOT COMMANDS SIMPLY HIGHLIGHT YOUR BOTS NAME AND CLICK THE COMMAND YOU WANT...FROM THERE IT IS SELF-EXPLANITORY.....TO ME THAT IS THE BEST THING ABOUT THIS BOT.... PEOPLE NEVER SEE YOU GIVE THE COMMAND HEHEHEHEHE! I HAVE ADDED ANOTHER FEATURE THAT IS NEW TO mIRC3.8 ....YOUR BOT WILL NOW LISTEN TO DCC CHAT MSGES AND RESPOND...I MADE IT SO THAT DCC CHAT IS ONLY FOR HELP....SO IF SOMEONE DCC'S YOUR BOT ACCEPT IT FOR HIM AND HE WILL DO THE REST....YOU ALSO HAVE TO CLOSE IT FOR HIM WHEN THE USER IS DONE WITH THE HELP THIS IS A GREAT FEATURE WHEN YOUR TIRED OF BEING ASKED "WHAT DO I DO?"..... JUST TELL THEM TO ASK THE BOT :) IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO STOP BY #TeenLife AND ASK ME....I WILL TRY MY BEST TO HELP YOU! :) ENJOY! (note:I am on the undernet) [HERE ARE SOME BASIC COMMANDS FOR MIRC:] to join a channel type /join #channel to part from a channel type /part #channel to preform a action type /me WHATEVER to see a list of channels type /list to send someone a msg without opening a chat window type /notice nick YOUR MESSAGE to send someone a private msg bye opening a window type /query nick your message to do a whois on someone type /whois nick to do a whowas type /whowas nick to change your nick type /nick your newnick to quit mIRC type / quit reason to change the topic type /topic #channel your topic to mark your self as bieng away type /away reason to take away off simply type /away to KICK someone type /kick #channel nick to op someone type /mode #channel +o nick to op several people /mode #channel +ooo nick nick nick to deop someone type /mode #channel -o nick to deop several people /mode #channel -ooo nick nick nick to ban someone type /ban #channel nick 3 <----make sure you use this number to unban someone type /mode #channel -b nick or address to invite someone type /invite nick #channel